Nobody Tells You This
Brand new podcast by two Punjabi Health professionals who want to bring "nobody tells you this" information into the main stream.
Join us for 2 episodes each month!
Follow for more:
Ravneet - Neet Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing Coach
Veerpal Sandhu - Clinical Pharmacist & Menopause Clinician
Nobody Tells You This
Thyroid: What is it and How to care for it? - E7 (English)
For Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month we're bringing you a special episode about your thyroid.
What is it?
Where is it?
What does it do?
Are cases of thyroid dysfunction increasing?
Can thyroid disorders be hereditary?
Do you need medication for thyroid issues?
What can you do to support your thyroid naturally?
Tell us what we missed? Would you like us to cover;
Hair loss
Weight loss/gain
Physical impact
Send us a message or DM
A brand new podcast by two Punjabi Health professionals who want to bring "nobody tells you this" information into the main stream.
Lifestyle and clinical review of popular health fads that can help or hinder you!
Join us for 2 episodes each month!
Follow for more:
/ nobodytellsyouthis
/ no_body_tells_you_this
/ no_body_tells_you_this
Ravneet - Neet Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing Coach
/ neet_nutrition
Veerpal Sandhu - Clinical Pharmacist & Menopause Clinician
/ medlineskinaesthetics
/ @themenopauseclinician